For family and friends

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The last week and a half has been a busy one. On Monday, July 28th we headed to UCLA so Adam could undergo leukapheresis. It was a very long process and he couldn't get off the bed for over 4 hours. He's such a trooper. Mac went with us and that assured that Adam had someone with him at all times. Adam decided to take a nap so Mac was rewarded by having the TV and DVD player all to himself! We haven't heard yet whether or not they got enough white blood cells. We are hoping they did or else Adam will have to go back for another round of leukapheresis. It will take at least 30 days to make the vaccine.

We went back to UCLA on Wednesday for chemotherapy. Again Mac went with us and kept Adam and me company. Chemo days are always long and exhaust Adam.

Tuesday, August 5th we went to the eye doctor. They dilated Adam's eyes and the doctor couldn't see the back of his eye. His eyes are very cloudy. They are not sure why his eyes are cloudy but this is obviously contributing to his poor vision. We have to go to the retina specialist next Tuesday. He is going to dilate Adam's eyes and inject a fluorescent dye into Adam which will help them see the back of his eyes better. They will then take some pictures and then determine what is going on and what they can do to fix the problem. We are looking forward to getting some answers.

Yesterday was another day at UCLA. Mac kept us company and again was a great help. It was a long day of chemo, three drugs total. We had to leave the house at 7am so Adam was exhausted. While he was getting chemo he fell asleep and Adam's wonderful chemo nurse, Nikki, assured us that Mac and I could sneak away for some lunch. Later I rewarded Mac by letting him walk to Diddy Reise and get some ice cream. Mac is a great help taking care of Adam in the car, getting him water or pillows or dialing the phone for him. The trip home took 3 1/2 hours due to an accident in Orange County. Twelve hours door to door to door.

Supposedly, next Wednesday is our week off from chemotherapy. We got off schedule with Adam's tube surgery, his fever and his leukapheresis. Adam would love to spend a Wednesday at home. Me too.


Blogger marilyn said...

We hope you got to spend yesterday at home. We wish you continued strength and courage. Keeping you close in our thoughts.
Love, Marilyn, Evro, Emilia & Jimmy

9:29 AM

Blogger Sue said...

hey did my original comment go through??? it just kind of disappeared!! Hey and it said I have a strong password!!! I guess I am good at that...let me know if the first one appeared....

3:50 PM

Blogger Sue said...

OK ... I can see the first one got wiped out. It was so original and creative that I can't even recall what I wrote. Adam, I did apologize for being the one who probably wakes you as your killer dog JACK HATES me!! I even brought him a buiscuit one day, but he has doggie dementia and everytime he sees me, he thinks I am the UPS delivery guy! Hope you are enjoying the HP cd's. We think about you daily and send our well wishes..sue

3:54 PM

Blogger Sue said...

Now I remember.....OK I didn't realize we could write on this blog....thought it was a one way deal....yup not the most computer literate thing on the block...sue

3:55 PM


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